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United States


World Rank

Domain http://www.clubfrontier.org
Daily visits 6,028
Daily pages views 41,171
Estimated value £90,686 *
Income per visitor £2.01
Incoming links 315
Rank in Countries
55070 United States
3010493 Mexico
7294987 India
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Web Traffic

Country Rank in Countries Visitors % Pageviews %
United StatesUnited States 55070 79.05% 83.3%
MexicoMexico 3010493 0.85% 0.78%
IndiaIndia 7294987 2.16% 1.4%
United States, Mexico, India are the most popular countries.
Region Region Rank Visitors % Pageviews %
North CarolinaNorth Carolina 39650 1.54% 1.88%
North DakotaNorth Dakota 40201 1.38% 1.77%
New MexicoNew Mexico 40751 1.07% 0.72%
TexasTexas 41853 1.54% 0.73%
AlaskaAlaska 42403 0.76% 0.33%
WyomingWyoming 43505 1.38% 1.81%
ConnecticutConnecticut 45157 0.78% 0.75%
New HampshireNew Hampshire 45708 0.67% 1.91%
TennesseeTennessee 46258 1.77% 0.32%
VermontVermont 46809 0.22% 1.12%
MissouriMissouri 47910 1.04% 0.6%
MichiganMichigan 48461 1.92% 1.72%
IdahoIdaho 50664 1.41% 1.04%
GeorgiaGeorgia 51765 1.38% 0.79%
NevadaNevada 55620 1.49% 0.34%
FloridaFlorida 56722 1.85% 0.83%
LouisianaLouisiana 58374 1.31% 1.57%
New JerseyNew Jersey 58924 1.31% 0.48%
MaineMaine 59475 1.16% 0.73%
UtahUtah 61678 0.56% 0.36%
MinnesotaMinnesota 63330 0.21% 0.99%
CaliforniaCalifornia 63881 1.15% 0.38%
DelawareDelaware 64982 0.75% 0.85%
South CarolinaSouth Carolina 67185 0.49% 1.16%
MontanaMontana 68837 1.08% 1.74%
South DakotaSouth Dakota 69938 0.47% 1.4%
Statistics History 3 Months Average
World Rank 366,621 +12,282
Monthly Visitors 180,840 -3.35%
Monthly Visitors Rank 366,594 +12,281
Monthly Pageviews 1,235,130 -3.6%
Monthly Pageviews Rank 273,704 +9,853
Pageviews Per Visitor 6.83 -


Headlines for www.clubfrontier.org
The domain has been registered 19 years 9 months 11 days ago.

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