www.kaiserkraft.co.uk - At KAISERKRAFT you will find everything for the office, workshop and warehouse, from office chairs - Kaiserkraft


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Kaiserkraft is #62,311 website in United Kingdom. "At KAISERKRAFT you will find everything for the office, workshop and warehouse, from office chairs."




World Rank

Domain http://www.kaiserkraft.co.uk
Daily visits 348
Daily pages views 885
Estimated value £2,145 *
Income per visitor £2.52
Incoming links 7
Rank in Countries
31543 United Kingdom
1088652 Australia
8593858 United States
9112854 Ireland
9905854 India
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Web Traffic

Country Rank in Countries Visitors % Pageviews %
United KingdomUnited Kingdom 31543 81.6% 76.5%
AustraliaAustralia 1088652 1.29% 0.8%
United StatesUnited States 8593858 1.62% 2.54%
IrelandIreland 9112854 0.77% 1.05%
IndiaIndia 9905854 0.9% 1.23%
United Kingdom, Australia, United States, Ireland, India are the most popular countries.
Region Region Rank Visitors % Pageviews %
Statistics History 3 Months Average
World Rank 2,214,210 +164,073
Monthly Visitors 8,430 -7.41%
Monthly Visitors Rank 182,941,881 +13,555,993
Monthly Pageviews 26,550 -5%
Monthly Pageviews Rank 182,941,881 +9,147,094
Pageviews Per Visitor 3.15 -


Headlines for www.kaiserkraft.co.uk

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