visit the websiteKaiserkraft is #62,311 website in United Kingdom. "At KAISERKRAFT you will find everything for the office, workshop and warehouse, from office chairs."
World Rank
Domain | http://www.kaiserkraft.co.uk |
Daily visits | 348 |
Daily pages views | 885 |
Estimated value | £2,145 * |
Income per visitor | £2.52 |
Incoming links | 7 |
Keyphrases |
- |
Rank in Countries | |
31543 | United Kingdom |
1088652 | Australia |
8593858 | United States |
9112854 | Ireland |
9905854 | India |
Web Traffic
Country | Rank in Countries | Visitors % | Pageviews % |
United Kingdom | 31543 | 81.6% | 76.5% |
Australia | 1088652 | 1.29% | 0.8% |
United States | 8593858 | 1.62% | 2.54% |
Ireland | 9112854 | 0.77% | 1.05% |
India | 9905854 | 0.9% | 1.23% |
United Kingdom, Australia, United States, Ireland, India are the most popular countries. |
Region | Region Rank | Visitors % | Pageviews % |
Statistics History 3 Months Average | ||
World Rank | 2,214,210 | +164,073 |
Monthly Visitors | 8,430 | -7.41% |
Monthly Visitors Rank | 182,941,881 | +13,555,993 |
Monthly Pageviews | 26,550 | -5% |
Monthly Pageviews Rank | 182,941,881 | +9,147,094 |
Pageviews Per Visitor | 3.15 | - |
Headlines for www.kaiserkraft.co.uk | |
Web Server
Data Center Information | |
LF.net GmbH AS12374 LF.net GmbH Stuttgart Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 48.7823, 9.177 |
Web server load time is 0.31 seconds. |
Its nameservers are nsc.nic.uk (, dns4.nic.uk (, dns1.nic.uk (, dns2.nic.uk (, nsa.nic.uk (, nsb.nic.uk (, dns3.nic.uk (, nsd.nic.uk ( Its IP number is | |
IP: | |
Server type: | Apache |
Charset: | ISO-8859-1 |
PING www.kaiserkraft.co.uk ( The package size is 58 bytes. | |
58 bytes for seq_num=1 TTL=76 | 24.4 ms |
58 bytes for seq_num=2 TTL=76 | 25.6 ms |
58 bytes for seq_num=3 TTL=76 | 24.1 ms |
--- www.kaiserkraft.co.uk ping results --- | |
4 queries proceeded, 4 packets received, 0 lost (0% loss) | |
An average ping to the server is 18.5 ms, and the page load time is 0.31 seconds. |
Web Server Configuration | |
Content Language: | en |
Content Length: | 238 |
Content Type: | text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 |
Date: | Thu, 23 Mar 2017 21:43:24 GMT |
Web Server: | Apache |
X Frame Options: | DENY |
X XSS Security: | 1; mode=block |
X Content Type Options: | nosniff |
P3P: | + |
Cookies: | + |
Vary: | + |
ETag: | - |
MD5 Content: | - |
Public Key Pins: | - |
The data is estimated*
Data modified: 30.04.2017 14:08:35