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Domain http://www.wellsfargoadvantagefunds.com
Daily visits 12,235
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Estimated value £147,048 *
Income per visitor £2.07
Incoming links 172
Rank in Countries
29147 United States
1138121 Mexico
4247134 India
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Web Traffic

Country Rank in Countries Visitors % Pageviews %
United StatesUnited States 29147 78.2% 83.3%
MexicoMexico 1138121 1.27% 1.09%
IndiaIndia 4247134 1.96% 2.14%
United States, Mexico, India are the most popular countries.
Region Region Rank Visitors % Pageviews %
NevadaNevada 20985 0.92% 0.49%
AlabamaAlabama 21277 0.37% 1.25%
MassachusettsMassachusetts 21860 1.25% 1.84%
Rhode IslandRhode Island 22734 1.25% 1.94%
ArizonaArizona 23317 1.4% 1.63%
MinnesotaMinnesota 23609 1.52% 0.97%
TennesseeTennessee 23900 1.65% 0.29%
AlaskaAlaska 25357 0.38% 1.85%
OklahomaOklahoma 26523 1.33% 0.66%
South CarolinaSouth Carolina 27106 0.47% 1.6%
VirginiaVirginia 28272 0.28% 1.24%
MaineMaine 28855 1.69% 0.68%
MississippiMississippi 29147 1.56% 0.22%
HawaiiHawaii 29438 0.87% 1.81%
North CarolinaNorth Carolina 29729 1.01% 0.44%
West VirginiaWest Virginia 30021 1.89% 1.03%
IndianaIndiana 30312 1.1% 1.33%
IowaIowa 30895 1.9% 1.5%
OregonOregon 31187 0.66% 0.5%
TexasTexas 32061 0.29% 1.85%
OhioOhio 32644 0.79% 1%
NebraskaNebraska 32936 0.82% 1.87%
VermontVermont 33810 1.9% 1.12%
IllinoisIllinois 34101 1.83% 1.77%
New HampshireNew Hampshire 34684 0.92% 0.39%
ConnecticutConnecticut 34976 0.68% 0.96%
MarylandMaryland 35267 1.29% 1.94%
New MexicoNew Mexico 36725 0.34% 0.3%
Statistics History 3 Months Average
World Rank 186,900 +10,093
Monthly Visitors 356,670 -5.4%
Monthly Visitors Rank 186,911 +10,093
Monthly Pageviews 2,004,480 4%
Monthly Pageviews Rank 166,443 -6,658
Pageviews Per Visitor 5.62 -


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